P1 Reading Essentials

  • Letter recognition and phonemic awareness of consonants, short vowels and long vowels
  • Word families and blending
  • Fun rhymes, poem, songs, games, Speech & Drama activities and Readers’ Theatre

During this programme, I enjoyed reading and learnt to read new words by using word families.
Kuman, 1/2
Farrer Park Primary School

P1 Head Start to Reading (Level 1)

  • Word families and common sight words
  • Blending sounds and segmenting words
  • Speech & Drama and Readers’ Theatre activities
  • Comprehension and short writing exercises

During my class, I really liked acting, reading, singing and playing games. I want to join the programme again.
Harry, 1J
Innova Primary School

P1 Head Start to Reading (Level 2)

  • Thematic lessons
  • Vocabulary and basic grammar rules
  • Reading comprehension and writing skills
  • Development of oral communication skills through Speech & Drama activities

I enjoyed the warm-up activities that we did. I also learnt more about English. Next time I would like the same teacher to teach us again.
Nur Haney Maysara, 1B Madrasah
Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiah

Transition to P1

Ease the transition from Kindergarten to Primary 1 with:

  • Bridging for Better Readers: reading comprehension and writing skills, vocabulary and basic grammar rules
  • Bridging for Average Readers: phonemic awareness, blending and emphasis on word families
  • Bridging for Weak Readers: letter recognition and phonemic awareness of consonants or short and long vowels

I liked doing the worksheets and learning about short and long vowels.
Fatris, 2 Care
Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School

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