Saturday, 4 December marked the last day for English and Maths lessons at the LiteracyPlus Enrichment Centre. We can hardly believe that 15 years at Holland Drive have passed by so quickly!
We were glad that we were able to have physical classes for the last two lessons of the year. The teachers and students were thrilled to be able to come together in person one last time. Together they wrapped up the term doing a variety of fun activities: playing team games, reading and learning about December holiday traditions, engaging in creative literature-related projects, and even learning sequencing in Reading Comprehension to simulate a volcanic eruption!
Thank you to all of our students and parents for your support. It is with gratitude that we will remember your trust, patience, and commitment to lessons at LiteracyPlus.
Although the Centre is now closed, LiteracyPlus Consultants continues to conduct English enrichment programmes in kindergartens and primary schools. We hope to one day see our students again in our school-based programmes.
Until then, the Management, teachers, and staff of LiteracyPlus wish one and all a joyous holiday season, and much happiness and success in the new year.